Have you ever taken the time to actually inventory your achievements? Every once in a while we should stop and look back over our shoulder to appreciate really how far we’ve come since we stepped into the abyss of self-employment.

Success has many definitions. To some it’s a state of mind, to others it’s a financial achievement or the accumulation of possessions. Unfortunately, many have yet to create their own definition.

Define Your Own Success

The advantage of being an entrepreneur is that we can set our own parameters to this definition. In this age of over-hyped 24/7 news cycle, it’s easy to get sucked into someone’s else’s definition of success.

Just remember that you and you alone can determine your success. What is important for one person may not even be on another person’s radar.

Some people take a more holistic approach and are less concerned with the materialistic trapping normally associated with success. To some personal health, happiness and well-being are part of their definition? To others they look at success as a full contact competitive sport, where the one with the most toys wins.

Take A Moment

It’s funny how we plan for so many things in our lives from next vacations, car or TV we’ll purchase, yet we never seem to plan for success. To be sure we have some vague and random thoughts, but most of us are so busy chasing an undefined goal that we usually don’t even stop at the crossroads of success and achievement.

Let’s be clear, there is no right or wrong answer. The only definition that matters is yours. Comparing your situation to someone else’s is a fools’ game and one that can be rarely won.

We spend a tremendous amount of time developing business plans based on revenue, profit, market share, etc. So how come we don’t add a section on life goals and success?

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon

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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.

One of the key skills successful entrepreneurs share is their ability to use the selling process as a research vehicle.

Being a great designer, mechanic or programmer matters little if you can’t convince someone to buy your goods or services. Alternatively, hoping “to be discovered” may leave you waiting a long time.

Sales Generate Revenue

With the exception of sales, all other activities that you do are costs to the business. Sales is your sole revenue generator and supports all other activities. Remember, No sales, No business. But getting in front of customers is hard work and often frustrating, especially if you’re being faced with constant rejection. So maybe it’s time to change your outlook.

Every minute you spend in front of a prospective client is a learning opportunity, even if you’re being told no. The client is giving you clues to where your product or service is deficient and need improvements. Consistently being told no for the same reason is like a trail of bread crumbs leading you to a better solution, but only if you’re listening.

So instead of getting mad or depressed look at rejection as some of the best research you’ll ever get.

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon

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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.


Successful entrepreneurs rarely engage in the Blame Game. The Blame Game is when anything negative happens it’s always someone else’s fault and never theirs.

You see at the end of the day, we make the decision to proceed down a given path even when we’ve consulted or solicited input other professionals. And once we have gathered as much information as we think we’ll need, it is then we make the decision to proceed or not proceed. The operative word is “we”. Right, wrong or indifferent “we” make the decision and as a result we must wear the consequences of that decision.

Blame someone else

Of course it’s always easier to blame someone else as it protects our self-esteem or egos, but successful business owners rarely go there and when they do, they don’t stay long.

They understand they are going to get incomplete advice and that they’re going to make a wrong decision, but when that happens they chalk it up in the loss column and move on.

Wallowing in self-pity or playing the Blame Game is just counter-productive to the successful entrepreneur’s way of thinking.

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon 2015


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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.

At one time or another, many owners are faced with a business that has stalled out, and often it’s a simple matter of a sluggish economy and with a little patience things recover and growth resumes.

Look under the hood

For others though, their business has just plateaued and are at a loss as to how to regain their rhythm and push through to next level. When this happens, the first place I look is under the hood of the business. Is it structurally sound with the right people in place to go to the next level? In other words is the company ready, willing and able?

In many situations all the elements are in place. I then turn to the owner and ask “What made you successful?” “What did you do when you first started out to generate business?” Was it networking, participating in associations, cold calling and how much of that do you do now?

What typically happens is that we get so busy servicing customers and making money that we stop doing those things that made us successful in the first place.

So when you find yourself with a stalled business, ask yourself “What made us successful?”

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon 2015


If you found this helpful, Tweet, Like or tell a friend.


Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.