Someday I’ll be able to slow down. Someday I’ll be able to take more than just a couple of days off. Someday, someday, someday. This refrain is repeated daily by millions of overworked and underpaid entrepreneurs. Some feel trapped in a design of their own making.

Others feel they have traded their soul or some other part of their being for the sake of their company. Still, others are oblivious to what’s happening and just accept, whether it’s right or wrong, that this is what they signed up for.

They kid themselves every day into believing that someday is just around the corner, when in fact, it’s nothing more than just a shimmering mirage far off in the distance.

Entrepreneurial lifestyle

“Self employment is an insidious
lover that knows no boundaries”

When we take the entrepreneurial plunge, we readily accept certain realities, like long hours and reduced or no income. But if the truth be told, the list is much longer and it’s not until we are knee deep in it, do we realize how little we know about this thing called, the entrepreneurial lifestyle.

Self employment is an insidious lover that knows no boundaries. Left unchecked, it will consume your every waking moment with thoughts of opportunities, challenges, self doubt or euphoria and of course the promise of someday having a better future.

Throughout this journey, many never realize that as time creeps by, they have given up activities, interests and even friendships. They justify it by saying they don’t have time and the business requires all they’ve got, and someday they’ll reengage.

Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle unlike others and those that are successful have realized that they must either manage this lifestyle or risk being managed by this lifestyle. Entrepreneurship can provide an individual with tremendous freedom or enslave you to a life of servitude. The choice is yours and to blame the demands of the business on limiting the free time you have, is doing yourself and the business a disservice.

Why did you go into business in the first place? Like everyone else, you had a list of goals you hoped to achieve when you set out on your own, but again like most, we can longer find that list and we end up in someday mode.

Someday mode

If you’re one of the millions of entrepreneurs who find themselves in this someday mode, it’s time to do something about it. This is not to be taken as an intervention, but more of an attitude adjustment. Take a moment and think about what you’ve given up to date. It may be that you’re saying no a little more frequently to taking your children to their soccer practice. Maybe your turning down every invite to golf or some other activity you used to participate in, because your busy. When’s the last time you went for a bike ride or yoga or to the gym

What if you just said yes once in while? The work will always be there, but your friends and family may not. And what about your soul? You know you could use the distraction, so what’s stopping you, other than yourself?

Work life balance

Work life balance is tough to achieve on a daily basis, but not difficult occasionally. What about today? If you’re self employed, call your boss and tell them you’re taking the afternoon off, I’m sure they’ll understand and change someday to today!


Got a business challenge? Let me know and I may post a solution for you and your privacy will be assured.

You may also enjoy Work Life Balance

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon 2018

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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.

Most successful entrepreneurs that I’ve met have a balanced approach to empathy, deep when required and non-existent when really necessary. On the other hand, I witness owners that aren’t so balanced.

Those that have too much empathy, frequently worry way too much how a given decision or request will be accepted by their employees and regularly succumb to the slightest resistance. This failure to follow through on their decision, even though deep down inside they know it’s the right to do, often limits their success or ability to move the company forward.

“In many cases these companies find it difficult to keep good people”

Conversely, having no empathy can be equally limiting. Individuals with no empathy are regularly referred to as tyrannical or worse by their employees. Right, wrong or indifferent these owners don’t care how their decisions will impact the individuals that work for the organization. It’s their way or the highway. 

In many cases these companies find it difficult to keep good people because their lack of respect or don’t seek their input. More often than not, those companies are left with mediocre employees that are unwillingly or unable to leave even though they would like to.

Having a balanced approach to empathy is one of the best attributes a leader can have. Taking into account the impact and feelings a decision can have on employees and then adjusting if they receive valid feedback. It’s a sign that you respect and appreciate input and that you are open to feedback.

“Taking the time to explain, goes a long way”

There are occasions when a decision is not open to debate. It could be a change in direction, a new policy or any number of unpleasant decisions we as owners are forced to make once in a while. In these situations, simply taking the time to explain the rationale for the decision, goes a long way to minimizing any hard feelings.

Having the right balance of empathy is akin to the beds in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Not too soft, not too hard, but just right.

Copyright © Greg Weatherdon

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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.


One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face doesn’t have anything to do with revenues or expenses, but has everything to do with achieving that elusive goal of Work Life Balance.

Starting a business requires a total commitment and dedication over an extended period of time because overnight successes are very rare.

Fortunately for most of us, we are blessed with a significant other who is willing to support our ambitions for extended periods of time but we must also live up to our end the deal and this is the challenge.

If the world was right, we should be able to have equal parts work and family time. But the world is not right.

In business, having Work Life Balance is akin to being on a teeter totter. One minute you’re in the air with your feet dangling, that would be work, the next you’re on the ground in control, that would like life and rarely are you ever equally balanced.

So instead of stressing over achieving that perfect balance every day, look to be 100% present in your life when possible.


Copyright © Greg Weatherdon 2015


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Get More LIFE Out of Your Business

You shouldn’t be the hardest working person in your company.

Many small business owners find that even after the struggling start-up years, they’re working too many hours and still managing every aspect of their businesses.

Greg Weatherdon has been there, done that. As an entrepreneur, he learned not only how to get a business to the point of running smoothly, but also how to reduce the number of hours he worked, delegate more responsibility to his employees, and take longer vacations while his business chugged along like a well-oiled machine. And now he is providing the secret to success.

Do you suffer from any of the following?

1. Business ownership isn’t living up to the dream.
2. Endless workdays.
3. You can’t find good people.
4. Profits are less than expected.
5. You can never take a vacation.

You’re not alone. But there is a solution. As Greg demonstrates, with some time and effort, you really can Get More Life Out Of Your Business.